“After creating a standard schedule, there have been fewer train accidents,” Goldman said.
A year later, Fleming helped organize the International Conference on Standardization in Washington DC, where GMT was chosen as the international time standard.
In the northern part of the United States, the towns and cities of the region, which have enjoyed the development and opportunities from the railways, have been quick to accept their own time.
The federal government of the United States was a little slow to accept these terms, but in 1918 it accepted them.
Time management is one of the things that the availability of railways has provided.
As railroads helped transport people and spread ideas around the world, there was an increased need for long-distance communication.
Not only was the first message sent by telegraph, but the first time a message was sent by telegraph, from the United States Capitol to the Mount Clare Railroad Station in Baltimore, which is now the site of the B&O Railroad Museum.
And as Britain looks forward to the year 2025, when it is planned to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the advent of modern rail transport, this is the most appropriate time to remember how the times of each part of the world are set